Rhetoric Central
Jihad is core Islamic doctrine, not tacked on by ‘extremists’. There is no getting around that fact.
- For 600 pages of irrefutable documentation of this fact, read Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin
Jihad is core Islamic doctrine, so Al Qaeda and ISIS are true to the ‘faith’ in seeking world domination.
New Jersey ISIS supporter’s bomb scheme is 95th terror plot in U.S. since 9/11.
“FBI Investigating Radical Terrorists in All 50 States as Threats Hit Peak”
Even if jihad were not core doctrine, there is something wrong with a doctrine that is so easily and so often ‘misinterpreted’.
Indiana: man yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ attacks store clerk, police. Islam the problem. Keeps getting ‘misinterpreted’.
Detroit man Khalil Abu Rayyan guilty of threats, gun crime in support of ISIS. Tells judge ISIS is not Islam. Sure.
Homegrown Islamic terrorism on the rise in U.S.; 204 attacks since 9/11; pace picking up.
The failure of Muslim leaders to condemn terrorist atrocities puts the lie to the claim that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’.
- If Islam is a ‘religion of peace’, where are the condemnations and the training classes to straighten jihadis out, hmm?
Not taught in mosques: ‘Islam is a religion of peace’; ‘Islam, Judaism, Christianity basically the same’
The 'CoExist' slogan is a sham.
- Sharia adherents cannot claim to want to coexist when they advocate killing all the Jews, throwing gays off of rooftops, etc.
Finally! Gay groups to march in Manchester to protest Islam’s treatment of gays.
Toronto imam says Muslims will eventually kill all Jews”. #CoExist
Muslim-ruled Chechnya puts gays in concentration camp; electric shock, beatings, killings.
Sharia is incompatible with Western liberal democratic values.
Defend this! Child brides, wife beatings, honor killings, FGM, stonings, amputations for theft, kill apostates.
Georgetown prof Jonathan Brown doubles down on Islamic justification for slavery; prescribes it for infidels.
Georgetown prof: slavery is OK because Muhammad had slaves
Black slave trade thriving in Islamic Libya. Where are protests from phony Muslim civil rights groups like CAIR?
Sharia law is incompatible with free speech and the Constitution.
Speaking the truth about ‘political Islam’ is not hate speech or Islamophobia
“Hawaii Lawyer: Trump Exec Order Violates 1st Amendment Because HONOR KILLINGS are ISLAMIC”
‘Muslim Spokesman: “Islamophobic” to Say Fresno Shooter Screamed “Allahu Akbar”. #TheTruthIsNotHateSpeech
Texas mayor- despite threats and intimidation - upholds ban on sharia court, backs state’s anti-foreign law statute
Islam treats women like second-class citizens.
Terror mosque imam claims female genital mutilation necessary to prevent girls’ ‘hypersexuality’
Muslim migrant in Cleveland charged in honor killing of wife. #InvasionOfThePrimitives
Georgetown prof: marital rape is OK under sharia law
Number of child marriages in Islamicizing UK shatters record. #ItCantHappenHere
“UK Sharia court: Muslim mother has to get PERMISSION from Islamic clerics to divorce her drug dealer husband”
Islamic group condones domestic violence, describes wife-beating as "a beautiful blessing".
Islam is alone in seeking the abolition of all other religions.
Islam is alone in claiming that non-adherents are subject to its laws (sharia).
Put that beer down. Unlike Jewish & Catholic law, “Islamic law, sharia, asserts its authority over non-Muslims.”
Islam is alone in claiming a right not to be criticized, i.e., to punish any speech that insults Islam or hurts the group’s reputation.
“"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam””
“UK Muslim issues YouTube death threat to critics of Islam”; invitation to convert is license to kill per hadith
Expose their Methods: Islam is distinctive in the aggressiveness of the methods it uses to spread its message.
Another hoaxer: Indiana State Muslim prof arrested for reporting phony anti-Islamic threats; claimed assault.
Student reinstated after college finds claims of Islamist professor to be bogus. #ExposeTheirMethods
Muslim starts patrol group in Minneapolis neighborhood to impose sharia; tells women they’re not dressed right.
- Death for Apostasy
Former Muslim asks converts to Islam to consider what will happen if they try to leave.
The Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group, carries on its ‘grand jihad’ to make America fall from within through CAIR and other front groups.
“More than a dozen CAIR leaders have been charged or convicted of terrorism-related crimes.”
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper has expressed desire to replace U.S. government with an Islamic state.
CAIR fundraiser features spokesman from terror mosque associated with 9/11, Al Qaeda, Ft. Hood shooter, etc.
Muslims interpret Islam’s inroads into America’s culture as submission. Culture creep should be spotlighted and resisted.
- You don’t understand Islam unless you understand dhimmitude (second-class citizenship for non-Muslims in Muslim-ruled countries).
Female genital mutilation bill in Minn stalls after pressure from Muslim lobby, refugee resettlement industry
Interfaith this! Muslim migration brings surge of female genital mutilation, honor killings to U.S.
“San Diego School District Pushes CAIR-Assisted ‘Anti-Islamophobia’ Plan”
There’s something wrong when U.S. officials who ordinarily proclaim separation of church and state bend over backwards to give special status to Islam and special rights to Muslims.
San Diego schools create safe spaces for Muslims, force students to learn more about Islam
Feds have funded school program how to convert to Islam for >10 yrs. Why are you paying for this? http://www.wnd.com/2017/04/feds-fund-how-to-be-a-good-muslim-lessons-for-u-s-schoolkids/
You don’t understand Islam unless you understand hijra, taqiya, and dawa (the Muslim religious duties to colonize, lie, and prepare the ground for jihad).
- Hijra (colonize)
- Taqiya (lie)
“NYC: Muslim college student lied to cops, claimed racists abducted him in robbery”. #AnotherMuslimHoaxer
Muslim Brotherhood backers hide support for Egypt terror groups during Capitol Hill visits
-Dawa (prepare for jihad)
“Judge throws out ‘Clock Boy’ discrimination suit against school”
The question is not ‘Islamophobia’; it’s ‘Islamophilia’. Islam’s apologists are blind to the existential threat unreconstructed Islam poses to the rest of humanity.
Christian Youths Could Become So Isolated Violence ‘Only Avenue of Making Statement About Religion’. Oops.
Swedish PM after attack: ‘we can never go back to mass migration’. Too late, you’ve lost your country.
Courageous Ex-Muslims tell the truth about Islam on pain of death.
“Ex-Islamist Leader: ‘Stop Saying Violence Has Nothing to Do with Islam’”
Calls from Muslims for a Reformation of Islam should be heeded.
Enlightenment: Australian imam calls for complete rethink of Islam. Likes freedom of speech, religion, etc.
- For 600 pages of irrefutable documentation of this fact, read Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin
Jihad is core Islamic doctrine, so Al Qaeda and ISIS are true to the ‘faith’ in seeking world domination.
New Jersey ISIS supporter’s bomb scheme is 95th terror plot in U.S. since 9/11.
“FBI Investigating Radical Terrorists in All 50 States as Threats Hit Peak”
Even if jihad were not core doctrine, there is something wrong with a doctrine that is so easily and so often ‘misinterpreted’.
Indiana: man yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ attacks store clerk, police. Islam the problem. Keeps getting ‘misinterpreted’.
Detroit man Khalil Abu Rayyan guilty of threats, gun crime in support of ISIS. Tells judge ISIS is not Islam. Sure.
Homegrown Islamic terrorism on the rise in U.S.; 204 attacks since 9/11; pace picking up.
The failure of Muslim leaders to condemn terrorist atrocities puts the lie to the claim that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’.
- If Islam is a ‘religion of peace’, where are the condemnations and the training classes to straighten jihadis out, hmm?
Not taught in mosques: ‘Islam is a religion of peace’; ‘Islam, Judaism, Christianity basically the same’
The 'CoExist' slogan is a sham.
- Sharia adherents cannot claim to want to coexist when they advocate killing all the Jews, throwing gays off of rooftops, etc.
Finally! Gay groups to march in Manchester to protest Islam’s treatment of gays.
Toronto imam says Muslims will eventually kill all Jews”. #CoExist
Muslim-ruled Chechnya puts gays in concentration camp; electric shock, beatings, killings.
Sharia is incompatible with Western liberal democratic values.
Defend this! Child brides, wife beatings, honor killings, FGM, stonings, amputations for theft, kill apostates.
Georgetown prof Jonathan Brown doubles down on Islamic justification for slavery; prescribes it for infidels.
Georgetown prof: slavery is OK because Muhammad had slaves
Black slave trade thriving in Islamic Libya. Where are protests from phony Muslim civil rights groups like CAIR?
Sharia law is incompatible with free speech and the Constitution.
Speaking the truth about ‘political Islam’ is not hate speech or Islamophobia
“Hawaii Lawyer: Trump Exec Order Violates 1st Amendment Because HONOR KILLINGS are ISLAMIC”
‘Muslim Spokesman: “Islamophobic” to Say Fresno Shooter Screamed “Allahu Akbar”. #TheTruthIsNotHateSpeech
Texas mayor- despite threats and intimidation - upholds ban on sharia court, backs state’s anti-foreign law statute
Islam treats women like second-class citizens.
Terror mosque imam claims female genital mutilation necessary to prevent girls’ ‘hypersexuality’
Muslim migrant in Cleveland charged in honor killing of wife. #InvasionOfThePrimitives
Georgetown prof: marital rape is OK under sharia law
Number of child marriages in Islamicizing UK shatters record. #ItCantHappenHere
“UK Sharia court: Muslim mother has to get PERMISSION from Islamic clerics to divorce her drug dealer husband”
Islamic group condones domestic violence, describes wife-beating as "a beautiful blessing".
Islam is alone in seeking the abolition of all other religions.
Islam is alone in claiming that non-adherents are subject to its laws (sharia).
Put that beer down. Unlike Jewish & Catholic law, “Islamic law, sharia, asserts its authority over non-Muslims.”
Islam is alone in claiming a right not to be criticized, i.e., to punish any speech that insults Islam or hurts the group’s reputation.
“"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam””
“UK Muslim issues YouTube death threat to critics of Islam”; invitation to convert is license to kill per hadith
Expose their Methods: Islam is distinctive in the aggressiveness of the methods it uses to spread its message.
Another hoaxer: Indiana State Muslim prof arrested for reporting phony anti-Islamic threats; claimed assault.
Student reinstated after college finds claims of Islamist professor to be bogus. #ExposeTheirMethods
Muslim starts patrol group in Minneapolis neighborhood to impose sharia; tells women they’re not dressed right.
- Death for Apostasy
Former Muslim asks converts to Islam to consider what will happen if they try to leave.
The Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group, carries on its ‘grand jihad’ to make America fall from within through CAIR and other front groups.
“More than a dozen CAIR leaders have been charged or convicted of terrorism-related crimes.”
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper has expressed desire to replace U.S. government with an Islamic state.
CAIR fundraiser features spokesman from terror mosque associated with 9/11, Al Qaeda, Ft. Hood shooter, etc.
Muslims interpret Islam’s inroads into America’s culture as submission. Culture creep should be spotlighted and resisted.
- You don’t understand Islam unless you understand dhimmitude (second-class citizenship for non-Muslims in Muslim-ruled countries).
Female genital mutilation bill in Minn stalls after pressure from Muslim lobby, refugee resettlement industry
Interfaith this! Muslim migration brings surge of female genital mutilation, honor killings to U.S.
“San Diego School District Pushes CAIR-Assisted ‘Anti-Islamophobia’ Plan”
There’s something wrong when U.S. officials who ordinarily proclaim separation of church and state bend over backwards to give special status to Islam and special rights to Muslims.
San Diego schools create safe spaces for Muslims, force students to learn more about Islam
Feds have funded school program how to convert to Islam for >10 yrs. Why are you paying for this? http://www.wnd.com/2017/04/feds-fund-how-to-be-a-good-muslim-lessons-for-u-s-schoolkids/
You don’t understand Islam unless you understand hijra, taqiya, and dawa (the Muslim religious duties to colonize, lie, and prepare the ground for jihad).
- Hijra (colonize)
- Taqiya (lie)
“NYC: Muslim college student lied to cops, claimed racists abducted him in robbery”. #AnotherMuslimHoaxer
Muslim Brotherhood backers hide support for Egypt terror groups during Capitol Hill visits
-Dawa (prepare for jihad)
“Judge throws out ‘Clock Boy’ discrimination suit against school”
The question is not ‘Islamophobia’; it’s ‘Islamophilia’. Islam’s apologists are blind to the existential threat unreconstructed Islam poses to the rest of humanity.
Christian Youths Could Become So Isolated Violence ‘Only Avenue of Making Statement About Religion’. Oops.
Swedish PM after attack: ‘we can never go back to mass migration’. Too late, you’ve lost your country.
Courageous Ex-Muslims tell the truth about Islam on pain of death.
“Ex-Islamist Leader: ‘Stop Saying Violence Has Nothing to Do with Islam’”
Calls from Muslims for a Reformation of Islam should be heeded.
Enlightenment: Australian imam calls for complete rethink of Islam. Likes freedom of speech, religion, etc.