Rhetoric Central
Money Quote “The radical left is using government power to coerce everyone, including children, into pledging allegiance to a radical new gender ideology over and above their right to privacy, safety, and religious freedom.” – The Federalist |
Weaknesses in the Left's Diversity Narrative
The diversity narrative is just a tactic of the Left, merely a cover to advance a Left-wing agenda.
- The diversity narrative is just a club Left uses to beat people up. They’ll use it as long as it works, then pick up another. #FauxOutrage
Hispanic co.s bidding on border wall receive death threats. & u thought the diversity narrative was about diversity
KY students want free tuition for blacks as reparations for slavery. (OK, but counterclaim for inner cities 1st)
The diversity narrative leads to disastrous public policies.
“‘Very Progressive’ Mom Changes Mind on Transgender Bathroom After Facing ‘Large, Burly Man’ at Disneyland”
Touchy-feely ‘restorative justice’ discipline led to lawlessness and chaos in schools. Minority kids hurt by policy
Wages of Diversity Narrative: parts of Westchester devolving, recreating Third World slums. Cock-fighting, anyone?
The diversity narrative depends on heavy doses of coercion and thus constitutes an assault on freedom.
Duke prof disciplined for calling diversity training “waste of time” w/” illiberal roots & totalitarian tendencies”
Student commits suicide after Gay Gestapo stacks the deck in U Texas sexual harassment case. #StarChamber
“Professor Deducts Points When Students Don’t Use Gender-Neutral Language”. #FascisticLeft
Transgender Goosesteppers - Coercive Left goes after Trump officials for pointing out Left is coercive.
The diversity narrative is reprehensible because it brands human beings with existential guilt and demands their submission to a favored class.
William & Mary president to BLM: screw your demands. Conversations and suggestions - yes, demands - no.
Canadian SJWs: ‘confess your sins for being masculine.’ Seeking more obsequiousness and submission. Buzz off!
The endpoint of reverse racism – maligning, excluding, and punishing whites – is tribalism and barbarity.
- Watch Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa singing a genocide song here.
More recordings emerge of black Texas A&M prof advocating violence against whites.
Anti-racism associations criticize ‘black women’ only event in Paris
Evergreen College race agitators can’t stand seeing their tantrums on video – “white-a** faculty members”, etc.
Yale Dean Placed on Leave for Offensive ‘White Trash’ Yelp Comments. Good!
Fresno shooter black racist: ‘shoot the white devils until all dead.’ Pls sue Farrakhan: whites “snakes”, “devils”
Whites banished from ‘multicultural’ playground. ‘Diversity but no whites’ is tribalism. #HutusAndTutsis
Claims of ‘privilege’ falter because attitudes are not frozen into law and are thus not actual ‘privilege’.
“Cisgender” - being normal is a privilege? No, getting to harangue people for being normal is a privilege.
The diversity narrative is artificial because it ignores real inequality.
“Gay Activist Silenced for Criticizing Islamic Regimes as 'Enemies of LGBT Rights'”
Real inequality: Arab/Muslim patriarchy disses women in marriage, divorce, law, politics, economy, etc.
The diversity narrative is phony because it excludes intellectual diversity.
Kirk: Left-wing colleges where everybody looks different but thinks the same – ‘least diverse places in America’
Cornell student gov’t rejects resolution calling for ideological diversity among faculty members.
Faculty diversity oaths designed to enforce political conformity, prevent intellectual diversity.
The diversity narrative is defective because it diminishes true achievement.
- Like the black Olympian said, ‘They don’t ask who the fastest black swimmer is at the Olympics.’
What do you want in a state champion football coach – the ‘right’ skin color or “what’s best for the kids”?
The diversity narrative is flawed because it sacrifices truth to skin color and other minority characteristics.
Science infected by Diversity Narrative: “scientific results are less important than who is producing them.”
Bill Nye the Flip-Flop Guy throws out chromosomes, now praises gender fluidity.
The diversity narrative leads to pretzel logic and absurd claims.
Hoax ‘conceptual penis’ article – published in academic journal after peer review – spoofs gender studies
‘Manchester attack = gender-based violence.’ Lunacy comes from viewing entire world thru narrow lens of diversity.
Minority students feel marginalized by masculine wood paneling in UMich building. Huh? #Snowflakes
‘Genital preference’ is ‘transphobic’. Men should be attracted to women who are really men. Good luck with that.
- ‘Cultural appropriation’ is especially vulnerable to reductio ad absurdum.
Whites can’t paint blacks and other madness from the ‘cultural appropriation’ crowd. #GoodbyeLeontynePrice
Who’s guilty of cultural appropriation – rap group Migos ripping off bourgeois (boujee) or frat referring to term?
Barack Obama was white! Became ‘accepted part of dominant ruling class’. Absurdities from #WhitenessStudies
- Self-identification (i.e., transracialism, transgenderism) is self-defeating delusional thinking.
Identity politics trumps DNA test – man refuses to accept he’s not black. Rachel Dolezal, call your office.
Reversing the facts shows you how absurd the diversity narrative really is.
Black-owned Ben’s Chili Bowl in D.C. closes, apologizes for cultural appropriation (oops).
BET staffers sign letter criticizing the control black men have over the newsroom. Oh, wait…
Harvard removes blacks from history of Africa in name of inclusion. Oh, wait….
The diversity narrative tyrannizes everyone with the idiosyncratic hyper-sensitivities of others and forces people to walk on egg shells.
“Georgetown Prof Allows Black Student to Skip Lecture on Slavery”. Can whites skip lecture on inner city crime?
“LGBT Group Fears On-Campus Chick-fil-A Will Threaten Safe Spaces”. Get over it, snowflakes. #GayGestapoPrivilege
Brit students: clapping and cheering excludes deaf people. Well, excuse me for living.
Some of the biggest cheerleaders of the diversity narrative are hypocrites.
Elizabeth Warren silent on Equal Pay Day after it is revealed she pays women 29% less.
Non-blacks shut out from Black Lives Matter meetings. (Right of association, yes; hypocrisy, no.)
Claims of ‘discrimination’ are sometimes real but often produce phony made-up legal theories and cases.
Same-sex couple claims discrimination in airline family boarding, but grandmother not in written policy.
Following O-admin lead, Pennsylvania comm’n trying to puff up ‘sex’ in state law to include transgenderism
Special rights for groups and special treatment for minority individuals is not equality.
Texas A&M refuses to discipline black professor who called for whites to be killed.
The ‘institutional racism’ narrative is unsupported by evidence.
- The Left will beat people up with this club as long as it works.
- Backgrounder on structural racism here.
The Left is misusing race under the banner of 'structural racism' as a weapon to advance its collectivist, redistributionist agenda.
Ben Shapiro deconstructs ‘institutional racism’ – too vague, no evidence, ignores real problems
The voter suppression narrative is completely bogus.
Only real study claiming voter ID suppresses minority vote is now debunked; insurmountable data flaws.
Minority voter turnout not hurt by voter ID laws; new study finds famous study biased and flawed.
There have always been transgender people and no one should hate them. But that doesn’t mean they should skew public policy, the government should crack heads to force acceptance, or government schools should deliberately try to social engineer more of them by teaching gender ‘spectrum’ and ‘fluidity’ to children.
Taxpayer-funded Drag Queen Story Hour boasts of pushing ‘gender fluidity’ on children. #DiversityIndustrialComplex
Publicly paid transgender prof in SCar tells trans kids to dump their ‘abusive’ parents, enter ‘glitter’ family.
Docs praised for irresponsibly prescribing transgender drugs to young teens who don’t know their own mind yet.
‘America is a horrible racist place.’ The facts say otherwise.
- If America is such a horrible racist place, why are 1 out of 6 marriages now interracial? (and nobody says boo about it)
The diversity narrative is a dead end. Get a life!
- Stop waiting for whitey. Screw whitey. It’s your world, too. Stop living in a prison of your own making. Free yourself from racialism and minority consciousness and get on with it. You’ll be much happier.
Black NFL star’s focus on success - not race - inspires others to do better with their life.
‘Brown girl’ – sorry u r in pain when white people are nice to u. Pls consider dialogue instead of ‘separate ways’.
The diversity narrative is just a tactic of the Left, merely a cover to advance a Left-wing agenda.
- The diversity narrative is just a club Left uses to beat people up. They’ll use it as long as it works, then pick up another. #FauxOutrage
Hispanic co.s bidding on border wall receive death threats. & u thought the diversity narrative was about diversity
KY students want free tuition for blacks as reparations for slavery. (OK, but counterclaim for inner cities 1st)
The diversity narrative leads to disastrous public policies.
“‘Very Progressive’ Mom Changes Mind on Transgender Bathroom After Facing ‘Large, Burly Man’ at Disneyland”
Touchy-feely ‘restorative justice’ discipline led to lawlessness and chaos in schools. Minority kids hurt by policy
Wages of Diversity Narrative: parts of Westchester devolving, recreating Third World slums. Cock-fighting, anyone?
The diversity narrative depends on heavy doses of coercion and thus constitutes an assault on freedom.
Duke prof disciplined for calling diversity training “waste of time” w/” illiberal roots & totalitarian tendencies”
Student commits suicide after Gay Gestapo stacks the deck in U Texas sexual harassment case. #StarChamber
“Professor Deducts Points When Students Don’t Use Gender-Neutral Language”. #FascisticLeft
Transgender Goosesteppers - Coercive Left goes after Trump officials for pointing out Left is coercive.
The diversity narrative is reprehensible because it brands human beings with existential guilt and demands their submission to a favored class.
William & Mary president to BLM: screw your demands. Conversations and suggestions - yes, demands - no.
Canadian SJWs: ‘confess your sins for being masculine.’ Seeking more obsequiousness and submission. Buzz off!
The endpoint of reverse racism – maligning, excluding, and punishing whites – is tribalism and barbarity.
- Watch Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa singing a genocide song here.
More recordings emerge of black Texas A&M prof advocating violence against whites.
Anti-racism associations criticize ‘black women’ only event in Paris
Evergreen College race agitators can’t stand seeing their tantrums on video – “white-a** faculty members”, etc.
Yale Dean Placed on Leave for Offensive ‘White Trash’ Yelp Comments. Good!
Fresno shooter black racist: ‘shoot the white devils until all dead.’ Pls sue Farrakhan: whites “snakes”, “devils”
Whites banished from ‘multicultural’ playground. ‘Diversity but no whites’ is tribalism. #HutusAndTutsis
Claims of ‘privilege’ falter because attitudes are not frozen into law and are thus not actual ‘privilege’.
“Cisgender” - being normal is a privilege? No, getting to harangue people for being normal is a privilege.
The diversity narrative is artificial because it ignores real inequality.
“Gay Activist Silenced for Criticizing Islamic Regimes as 'Enemies of LGBT Rights'”
Real inequality: Arab/Muslim patriarchy disses women in marriage, divorce, law, politics, economy, etc.
The diversity narrative is phony because it excludes intellectual diversity.
Kirk: Left-wing colleges where everybody looks different but thinks the same – ‘least diverse places in America’
Cornell student gov’t rejects resolution calling for ideological diversity among faculty members.
Faculty diversity oaths designed to enforce political conformity, prevent intellectual diversity.
The diversity narrative is defective because it diminishes true achievement.
- Like the black Olympian said, ‘They don’t ask who the fastest black swimmer is at the Olympics.’
What do you want in a state champion football coach – the ‘right’ skin color or “what’s best for the kids”?
The diversity narrative is flawed because it sacrifices truth to skin color and other minority characteristics.
Science infected by Diversity Narrative: “scientific results are less important than who is producing them.”
Bill Nye the Flip-Flop Guy throws out chromosomes, now praises gender fluidity.
The diversity narrative leads to pretzel logic and absurd claims.
Hoax ‘conceptual penis’ article – published in academic journal after peer review – spoofs gender studies
‘Manchester attack = gender-based violence.’ Lunacy comes from viewing entire world thru narrow lens of diversity.
Minority students feel marginalized by masculine wood paneling in UMich building. Huh? #Snowflakes
‘Genital preference’ is ‘transphobic’. Men should be attracted to women who are really men. Good luck with that.
- ‘Cultural appropriation’ is especially vulnerable to reductio ad absurdum.
Whites can’t paint blacks and other madness from the ‘cultural appropriation’ crowd. #GoodbyeLeontynePrice
Who’s guilty of cultural appropriation – rap group Migos ripping off bourgeois (boujee) or frat referring to term?
Barack Obama was white! Became ‘accepted part of dominant ruling class’. Absurdities from #WhitenessStudies
- Self-identification (i.e., transracialism, transgenderism) is self-defeating delusional thinking.
Identity politics trumps DNA test – man refuses to accept he’s not black. Rachel Dolezal, call your office.
Reversing the facts shows you how absurd the diversity narrative really is.
Black-owned Ben’s Chili Bowl in D.C. closes, apologizes for cultural appropriation (oops).
BET staffers sign letter criticizing the control black men have over the newsroom. Oh, wait…
Harvard removes blacks from history of Africa in name of inclusion. Oh, wait….
The diversity narrative tyrannizes everyone with the idiosyncratic hyper-sensitivities of others and forces people to walk on egg shells.
“Georgetown Prof Allows Black Student to Skip Lecture on Slavery”. Can whites skip lecture on inner city crime?
“LGBT Group Fears On-Campus Chick-fil-A Will Threaten Safe Spaces”. Get over it, snowflakes. #GayGestapoPrivilege
Brit students: clapping and cheering excludes deaf people. Well, excuse me for living.
Some of the biggest cheerleaders of the diversity narrative are hypocrites.
Elizabeth Warren silent on Equal Pay Day after it is revealed she pays women 29% less.
Non-blacks shut out from Black Lives Matter meetings. (Right of association, yes; hypocrisy, no.)
Claims of ‘discrimination’ are sometimes real but often produce phony made-up legal theories and cases.
Same-sex couple claims discrimination in airline family boarding, but grandmother not in written policy.
Following O-admin lead, Pennsylvania comm’n trying to puff up ‘sex’ in state law to include transgenderism
Special rights for groups and special treatment for minority individuals is not equality.
Texas A&M refuses to discipline black professor who called for whites to be killed.
The ‘institutional racism’ narrative is unsupported by evidence.
- The Left will beat people up with this club as long as it works.
- Backgrounder on structural racism here.
The Left is misusing race under the banner of 'structural racism' as a weapon to advance its collectivist, redistributionist agenda.
Ben Shapiro deconstructs ‘institutional racism’ – too vague, no evidence, ignores real problems
The voter suppression narrative is completely bogus.
Only real study claiming voter ID suppresses minority vote is now debunked; insurmountable data flaws.
Minority voter turnout not hurt by voter ID laws; new study finds famous study biased and flawed.
There have always been transgender people and no one should hate them. But that doesn’t mean they should skew public policy, the government should crack heads to force acceptance, or government schools should deliberately try to social engineer more of them by teaching gender ‘spectrum’ and ‘fluidity’ to children.
Taxpayer-funded Drag Queen Story Hour boasts of pushing ‘gender fluidity’ on children. #DiversityIndustrialComplex
Publicly paid transgender prof in SCar tells trans kids to dump their ‘abusive’ parents, enter ‘glitter’ family.
Docs praised for irresponsibly prescribing transgender drugs to young teens who don’t know their own mind yet.
‘America is a horrible racist place.’ The facts say otherwise.
- If America is such a horrible racist place, why are 1 out of 6 marriages now interracial? (and nobody says boo about it)
The diversity narrative is a dead end. Get a life!
- Stop waiting for whitey. Screw whitey. It’s your world, too. Stop living in a prison of your own making. Free yourself from racialism and minority consciousness and get on with it. You’ll be much happier.
Black NFL star’s focus on success - not race - inspires others to do better with their life.
‘Brown girl’ – sorry u r in pain when white people are nice to u. Pls consider dialogue instead of ‘separate ways’.