Fight to Win the Propaganda Wars or Die
The Prog Whisperer - How to Perform a Robotomy and Deprogram the Left
The Prog Whisperer - How to Perform a Robotomy and Deprogram the Left
The Delusionati: How to Bring Down the Left’s Entire House of Cards
- A Perfect World and the End of Human Suffering. Really?
by a former Leftist and Liberato.US
Part 1 - The Dream
Part 2 - Moral Ju Jitsu
Part 3 -
Ends, Means, and Monsters
As discussed in Part 1, the Socialist labors under the delusion that one can bring about heaven on earth by implementing the Left’s sacred program of collectivism. If the goal is within reach and the entire meaning of human existence depends upon it, wouldn’t it be immoral not to use every possible means to achieve it? The possession of a quasi-divine revelation and near-providential mandate to cure humankind of all its social ills requires the noble Socialist to lie, cheat, steal, and murder so a perfect world can be born.
But a funny thing happens on the way to Utopia. You never get there. As George Orwell observed, you can’t reach noble ends with despicable means. The very process of using evil means will corrupt the people using them, making their ends unattainable, no matter how hard they try.
The Incongruity of Ends and Means – Lenin wasn’t reticent about what it would take to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat:
Lenin’s disciples took these exhortations seriously. After spending six years in Moscow, writer and ultimately repentant fellow traveler Eugene Lyons (Assignment in Utopia [1937]) wrote:
Soviet shill and New York Times reporter Walter Duranty famously said in justifying Stalin’s deliberately engineered famine of the Holodomor, “to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” And thus we arrive at Antifa, cracking heads in the streets in Berkeley today.
Utopia and Terror – Dreams of Utopia have been inseparable from terror throughout the history of the Left, starting with the Jacobins in the French Revolution. Their instrument of choice was the ‘French contraption’ (guillotine) and, pretty soon, 17,000 had literally lost their heads for the sake of Utopian dreams. Unlike petty authoritarians, Utopian tyrants want to remake society by first destroying it. But, as Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot showed, Utopians can’t get to where they want to go without first terrorizing the people and killing millions of them.
Violence is my ideology, coercion is my sword, the way to Utopia is through terror. Some Dream.
Less bloody examples include lying to make your point. Former CBS newsman Bernard Goldberg wrote entire books about left-wing advocacy groups making up phony statistics regarding the homeless, heterosexual AIDS, etc. and passing them to a complicit left-wing media for dissemination to a gullible public. Likewise, the global warming crowd is notorious for lying to convince others to grant them the moral authority and political power to remake society along socialist lines. The truth or falsity of climate change is not important; fundamentally transforming society is. As former Senator and Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Tim Wirth said:
Sure. Only a Leftist far down the rabbit hole of groupthink could make such an idiotic statement. For the Left, winning is not just the IMPORTANT thing; it’s the ONLY thing, and it warps the character of the people who implement the Leftist program. Whether it’s deceit, violence, or murder, the ends justify the means, no matter how scurrilous.
But George Orwell pointed out the problem with employing scurrilous means to reach supposedly noble ends. No matter how hard you chase it with reprehensible means, the Dream always recedes into the distance. Orwell wrote, “You can achieve nothing unless you are willing to use force and cunning, but in using them you pervert your original aims.” (Collected Essays, Vol. 3, As I Please, “Arthur Koestler”, at p. 237).
Orwell further observed: “It is not merely that ‘power corrupts’: so also do the ways of attaining power. Therefore, all efforts to regenerate society by violent means lead to the cellars of the OGPU [Soviet secret police]....” (id., p. 240)
After the odious means work their corruption, the means take on a life of their own and consume the entire exercise. Orwell: “A tyrant is all the more admired if he happens to be a blood-stained crook as well, and ‘the end justifies the means’ often becomes, in effect, ‘the means justify themselves provided they are dirty enough.’” (id., “Raffles and Miss Blandish”, at p. 222).
Like other Utopian totalitarians before them, today’s Progressives have no qualms about getting to Utopia through terror (coercive means). But they will fail because of the corrupting effects of power. Power will corrupt everything they do and Utopia will never arrive. So, Progressives, you might as well give up now; every effort you make to coerce people and bend them to your will is futile and ultimately self-defeating.
- A Perfect World and the End of Human Suffering. Really?
by a former Leftist and Liberato.US
Part 1 - The Dream
Part 2 - Moral Ju Jitsu
Part 3 -
Ends, Means, and Monsters
As discussed in Part 1, the Socialist labors under the delusion that one can bring about heaven on earth by implementing the Left’s sacred program of collectivism. If the goal is within reach and the entire meaning of human existence depends upon it, wouldn’t it be immoral not to use every possible means to achieve it? The possession of a quasi-divine revelation and near-providential mandate to cure humankind of all its social ills requires the noble Socialist to lie, cheat, steal, and murder so a perfect world can be born.
But a funny thing happens on the way to Utopia. You never get there. As George Orwell observed, you can’t reach noble ends with despicable means. The very process of using evil means will corrupt the people using them, making their ends unattainable, no matter how hard they try.
The Incongruity of Ends and Means – Lenin wasn’t reticent about what it would take to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat:
- “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth…”
- “Morality is entirely subordinated to the class struggle of the proletariat….”
- “There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience….”
- "If for the sake of Communism it is necessary for us to destroy 9/10ths of the people, we must not hesitate."
Lenin’s disciples took these exhortations seriously. After spending six years in Moscow, writer and ultimately repentant fellow traveler Eugene Lyons (Assignment in Utopia [1937]) wrote:
- I was ready to liquidate classes, purge millions, sacrifice freedoms and elementary decencies, arm self-appointed dictators with a flaming sword – all for the cause. It was a species of revenge rationalized as social engineering. Then I saw these things in full swing and discovered that the revenge was being wreaked on the very masses that were to be saved by that cause. (quoted in Not Without Honor by Richard Gid Powers at p. 147)
Soviet shill and New York Times reporter Walter Duranty famously said in justifying Stalin’s deliberately engineered famine of the Holodomor, “to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” And thus we arrive at Antifa, cracking heads in the streets in Berkeley today.
Utopia and Terror – Dreams of Utopia have been inseparable from terror throughout the history of the Left, starting with the Jacobins in the French Revolution. Their instrument of choice was the ‘French contraption’ (guillotine) and, pretty soon, 17,000 had literally lost their heads for the sake of Utopian dreams. Unlike petty authoritarians, Utopian tyrants want to remake society by first destroying it. But, as Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot showed, Utopians can’t get to where they want to go without first terrorizing the people and killing millions of them.
Violence is my ideology, coercion is my sword, the way to Utopia is through terror. Some Dream.
Less bloody examples include lying to make your point. Former CBS newsman Bernard Goldberg wrote entire books about left-wing advocacy groups making up phony statistics regarding the homeless, heterosexual AIDS, etc. and passing them to a complicit left-wing media for dissemination to a gullible public. Likewise, the global warming crowd is notorious for lying to convince others to grant them the moral authority and political power to remake society along socialist lines. The truth or falsity of climate change is not important; fundamentally transforming society is. As former Senator and Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Tim Wirth said:
- We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.
Sure. Only a Leftist far down the rabbit hole of groupthink could make such an idiotic statement. For the Left, winning is not just the IMPORTANT thing; it’s the ONLY thing, and it warps the character of the people who implement the Leftist program. Whether it’s deceit, violence, or murder, the ends justify the means, no matter how scurrilous.
But George Orwell pointed out the problem with employing scurrilous means to reach supposedly noble ends. No matter how hard you chase it with reprehensible means, the Dream always recedes into the distance. Orwell wrote, “You can achieve nothing unless you are willing to use force and cunning, but in using them you pervert your original aims.” (Collected Essays, Vol. 3, As I Please, “Arthur Koestler”, at p. 237).
Orwell further observed: “It is not merely that ‘power corrupts’: so also do the ways of attaining power. Therefore, all efforts to regenerate society by violent means lead to the cellars of the OGPU [Soviet secret police]....” (id., p. 240)
After the odious means work their corruption, the means take on a life of their own and consume the entire exercise. Orwell: “A tyrant is all the more admired if he happens to be a blood-stained crook as well, and ‘the end justifies the means’ often becomes, in effect, ‘the means justify themselves provided they are dirty enough.’” (id., “Raffles and Miss Blandish”, at p. 222).
Like other Utopian totalitarians before them, today’s Progressives have no qualms about getting to Utopia through terror (coercive means). But they will fail because of the corrupting effects of power. Power will corrupt everything they do and Utopia will never arrive. So, Progressives, you might as well give up now; every effort you make to coerce people and bend them to your will is futile and ultimately self-defeating.
Leftism can only be implemented by horrible, rotten people. Moreover, it is 100% guaranteed to produce more horrible, rotten people. How do we know? We already have examples from history: the Red Guards running amok in Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the youngsters gunning down their parents in Pol Pot’s Killing Fields.
But the corruption permeates the entire society and manifests in a myriad of other ways, not just mass murder and violence. To a refugee who fled Czechoslovakia, communism’s greatest crime is how it warps the character of ordinary people. People in communist Czechoslovakia had to lie, cheat, and steal - and bribe - just to survive. These things were no longer considered wrong; they were considered essential, as captured in a Czech saying from the communist era: ‘He who does not steal from the State is robbing his own family.’
Violence begets violence. Corruption begets corruption. The Dream of a perfect world, with no social ills or pain and suffering, can never be.
The above suggests three lines of attack on the leftist program which, in various ways, make the means the issue:
Ends and Means - How is it possible to reach noble ends with despicable means? Where has that ever happened? You haven’t thought about this enough, have you. Along the same lines, ask them: Your socialist project can only be implemented by violating and suppressing basic human rights. The more you push, the more rights are going to be taken away. How can your ideas possibly lead to a better world? And the bigger government gets, the smaller the individual becomes, by definition. How can you possibly go along with reducing the individual human being to nothingness? Don’t your family and friends mean anything to you? Haven’t you ever loved anyone? Or have you saved all your love for the collective?
How Many People are You Willing to Kill? – It’s unavoidable. In regime after regime of the Left, wet work has been required to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and transform the entire society. The best 10 percent of the population – the most highly educated, the stubborn ones, potential dissidents, etc. - are routinely killed off (China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia, etc.). So ask your opponents point-blank: how many people are you personally willing to kill? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? More than Lenin? Are you willing to pull the trigger yourself? At some point, they have to realize they’ve become monsters. This line of questioning will shake their beliefs and break their will to repress.
If they fumble for an answer, you can pounce: You haven’t thought about this enough, have you. You haven’t thought about what you’re going to do with the people who won’t get with the program when the Left takes over.
If they say ‘I’m a democratic socialist; this can all be done with a human face,’ ask: Where has that ever happened? (And don’t deflect to the capitalist social democracies of Scandinavia.) How come Lenin abandoned ‘democratic centralism’ and imposed more autocratic rule? How ‘democratic’ do you think the Democratic Republic of North Korea is today? The German Democratic Republic (East Germany)? Democratic Kampuchea (Pol Pot’s Cambodia)? Why are you so ignorant of your own history, the bloody history of democratic socialism?
#WalkAway – The #WalkAway movement of 2018 started primarily because of the repressive means used to crush dissent on the Left. Many of the more than 181,000 people who have walked away from liberalism and the Democratic Party en masse since the first #WalkAway video in May 2018 have done so because their friends heaped scorn and derision on them for voicing different opinions and gave them a hard time just for asking questions. Many of the WalkAways got tired of being brow-beaten into toeing the Left’s ideological line. So ask your opponents what they think of the #WalkAway Campaign. We did this at a booth to a liberal who was coming after us hammer and tong about something else and it stopped him cold.
But the corruption permeates the entire society and manifests in a myriad of other ways, not just mass murder and violence. To a refugee who fled Czechoslovakia, communism’s greatest crime is how it warps the character of ordinary people. People in communist Czechoslovakia had to lie, cheat, and steal - and bribe - just to survive. These things were no longer considered wrong; they were considered essential, as captured in a Czech saying from the communist era: ‘He who does not steal from the State is robbing his own family.’
Violence begets violence. Corruption begets corruption. The Dream of a perfect world, with no social ills or pain and suffering, can never be.
The above suggests three lines of attack on the leftist program which, in various ways, make the means the issue:
Ends and Means - How is it possible to reach noble ends with despicable means? Where has that ever happened? You haven’t thought about this enough, have you. Along the same lines, ask them: Your socialist project can only be implemented by violating and suppressing basic human rights. The more you push, the more rights are going to be taken away. How can your ideas possibly lead to a better world? And the bigger government gets, the smaller the individual becomes, by definition. How can you possibly go along with reducing the individual human being to nothingness? Don’t your family and friends mean anything to you? Haven’t you ever loved anyone? Or have you saved all your love for the collective?
How Many People are You Willing to Kill? – It’s unavoidable. In regime after regime of the Left, wet work has been required to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and transform the entire society. The best 10 percent of the population – the most highly educated, the stubborn ones, potential dissidents, etc. - are routinely killed off (China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia, etc.). So ask your opponents point-blank: how many people are you personally willing to kill? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? More than Lenin? Are you willing to pull the trigger yourself? At some point, they have to realize they’ve become monsters. This line of questioning will shake their beliefs and break their will to repress.
If they fumble for an answer, you can pounce: You haven’t thought about this enough, have you. You haven’t thought about what you’re going to do with the people who won’t get with the program when the Left takes over.
If they say ‘I’m a democratic socialist; this can all be done with a human face,’ ask: Where has that ever happened? (And don’t deflect to the capitalist social democracies of Scandinavia.) How come Lenin abandoned ‘democratic centralism’ and imposed more autocratic rule? How ‘democratic’ do you think the Democratic Republic of North Korea is today? The German Democratic Republic (East Germany)? Democratic Kampuchea (Pol Pot’s Cambodia)? Why are you so ignorant of your own history, the bloody history of democratic socialism?
#WalkAway – The #WalkAway movement of 2018 started primarily because of the repressive means used to crush dissent on the Left. Many of the more than 181,000 people who have walked away from liberalism and the Democratic Party en masse since the first #WalkAway video in May 2018 have done so because their friends heaped scorn and derision on them for voicing different opinions and gave them a hard time just for asking questions. Many of the WalkAways got tired of being brow-beaten into toeing the Left’s ideological line. So ask your opponents what they think of the #WalkAway Campaign. We did this at a booth to a liberal who was coming after us hammer and tong about something else and it stopped him cold.