Did Alethophobia Spawn Islamophobia?
by Mike Ramirez, April 22, 2023
reprinted with permission of the author
Islamophobia has become a weaponized word used within Western societies that is intended to silence academic critique of Islam's doctrinal tenets and laws that impose cruel and unusual punishment upon its own followers. This should be of no surprise to anyone familiar with the Islamic culture, indoctrination, and religious edicts that control the everyday life of the "believer." It has been that way since the seventh century. Muslims have always been prohibited from criticizing and/or disagreeing with Islam upon threat of severe penalty including death. Do Muslim leaders fear truth being told about Islam in the public arena?
Now, Muslim leaders want to silence non-Muslims in the same way through laws that cite Islamophobia as an offense. The consequences in America may not be as severe, however, there are cases where educators, company employees, media personalities, politicians, military personnel, etc., have been disciplined and/or fired from their employment for making a statement considered to be "Islamophobic" and offensive to the Muslim community, even when the statement is a true and accurate assessment of the Islamic ideology.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been at the forefront in lodging accusations of Islamophobia and filing lawsuits against individuals who dare to criticize or cite examples within the teachings of Islam in public or scholastic settings. This is contradictory to CAIR's own statement issued in a 2013 publication titled, Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States.
Herein is the text in question, published by CAIR:
"Questioning Islam or Muslims is not Islamophobia"
"It is not appropriate to label all, or even the majority of those, who question Islam and Muslims as Islamophobes. Equally, it is not Islamophobic to denounce crimes committed by individual Muslims or those claiming Islam as a motivation for their actions." (page ix - Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States)
The approach that we are seeing is the introduction of "Islamophobia Resolutions" in cities throughout America. This is the case where such Resolution was adopted by the Cities of Santa Clara County, California, on November 10, 2022. Filed as Resolution No. 2022-002, the wording was drafted with the help of a team from the Islamic Networks Group (ING).
The third item cited within the Resolution states, in part: "Whereas, Islamophobia is anti-Muslim racism in various societal institutions that continues to promote negative images of Islam and Muslims…" That definition, however, is flawed by the fact that Muslims are not actually a "race" but a population-conglomerate representing all ethnic groups that have been born into or converted to the Islamic belief system.
An even broader resolution was introduced by Representative Ilhan Omar [D-MN-51] on October 21, 2021, filed as H.R. 5665 - Combating International Islamophobia Act,
117th Congress (2021-2022) https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5665
Excerpts: "This bill establishes within the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia and addresses related issues. The office shall monitor and combat acts of Islamophobia and Islamophobic incitement in foreign countries."
As for adopting Islamophobia laws, there are blanket laws already in place that deal with hate crimes against everyone; racial minorities, ethnic cultures, and members of all religions, including Muslims. Thus, there was never a need to invent the word Islamophobia unless the intent was for the ulterior and specific purpose of prohibiting non-Muslims from publicly criticizing the Islamic ideology in any way. If Muslims are prohibited from criticizing Islam, should this apply to all non-Muslims, as well?
Islamophobia laws are, therefore, an outright attempt to infringe upon the Constitutional First Amendment Right of free speech that allows public disagreement with counterparts, assessment of political policies, and the duty to expose the truth of any ideology that may be injurious to the health and well-being of civilized society.
In conclusion, Islam is a quasi-religious, supremacist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, doctrine that violates human rights and seeks global domination by exterminating Western Civilization and imposing Islamic law (Sharia) upon the world. This will never be revealed whenever Muslim representatives speak to Jewish and Christian congregations during 'Interfaith Dialogue' and 'Building Bridges' events. That's because Islam's Doctrine of Deception, known as taqiyya, permits lying to Jews and Christians in order to neutralize and gain dominance over them.
Is this the Truth that Muslim leaders fear will be spread throughout the world as a warning to non-Muslims?
Factoid: Merriam-Webster dictionary defines phobia as "an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation."
"We cannot let accusations of Islamophobia silence us when we confront and defend ourselves against the radical ideologies that exist in some Muslim communities and are now growing in America: ideologies that undermine our values and seek to destroy our way of life."
Mike Ramirez is a former broadcast journalist, news director and station manager. He has worked with ABC, NBC, Spanish International Network, and Telemundo affiliates and has also been a religion analyst in Christian Apologetics since the mid 1970s. The events of 9/11 led Mike to become involved in national security efforts to warn and inform America's faithful that Islam is not a "sister-religion" to Judeo-Christianity, as widely believed, and that Interfaith Dialogue and Building Bridges events have opened the door to allow deception in churches and synagogues throughout the nation. Questions? Comments? [email protected]
by Mike Ramirez, April 22, 2023
reprinted with permission of the author
Islamophobia has become a weaponized word used within Western societies that is intended to silence academic critique of Islam's doctrinal tenets and laws that impose cruel and unusual punishment upon its own followers. This should be of no surprise to anyone familiar with the Islamic culture, indoctrination, and religious edicts that control the everyday life of the "believer." It has been that way since the seventh century. Muslims have always been prohibited from criticizing and/or disagreeing with Islam upon threat of severe penalty including death. Do Muslim leaders fear truth being told about Islam in the public arena?
Now, Muslim leaders want to silence non-Muslims in the same way through laws that cite Islamophobia as an offense. The consequences in America may not be as severe, however, there are cases where educators, company employees, media personalities, politicians, military personnel, etc., have been disciplined and/or fired from their employment for making a statement considered to be "Islamophobic" and offensive to the Muslim community, even when the statement is a true and accurate assessment of the Islamic ideology.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been at the forefront in lodging accusations of Islamophobia and filing lawsuits against individuals who dare to criticize or cite examples within the teachings of Islam in public or scholastic settings. This is contradictory to CAIR's own statement issued in a 2013 publication titled, Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States.
Herein is the text in question, published by CAIR:
"Questioning Islam or Muslims is not Islamophobia"
"It is not appropriate to label all, or even the majority of those, who question Islam and Muslims as Islamophobes. Equally, it is not Islamophobic to denounce crimes committed by individual Muslims or those claiming Islam as a motivation for their actions." (page ix - Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States)
The approach that we are seeing is the introduction of "Islamophobia Resolutions" in cities throughout America. This is the case where such Resolution was adopted by the Cities of Santa Clara County, California, on November 10, 2022. Filed as Resolution No. 2022-002, the wording was drafted with the help of a team from the Islamic Networks Group (ING).
The third item cited within the Resolution states, in part: "Whereas, Islamophobia is anti-Muslim racism in various societal institutions that continues to promote negative images of Islam and Muslims…" That definition, however, is flawed by the fact that Muslims are not actually a "race" but a population-conglomerate representing all ethnic groups that have been born into or converted to the Islamic belief system.
An even broader resolution was introduced by Representative Ilhan Omar [D-MN-51] on October 21, 2021, filed as H.R. 5665 - Combating International Islamophobia Act,
117th Congress (2021-2022) https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5665
Excerpts: "This bill establishes within the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia and addresses related issues. The office shall monitor and combat acts of Islamophobia and Islamophobic incitement in foreign countries."
As for adopting Islamophobia laws, there are blanket laws already in place that deal with hate crimes against everyone; racial minorities, ethnic cultures, and members of all religions, including Muslims. Thus, there was never a need to invent the word Islamophobia unless the intent was for the ulterior and specific purpose of prohibiting non-Muslims from publicly criticizing the Islamic ideology in any way. If Muslims are prohibited from criticizing Islam, should this apply to all non-Muslims, as well?
Islamophobia laws are, therefore, an outright attempt to infringe upon the Constitutional First Amendment Right of free speech that allows public disagreement with counterparts, assessment of political policies, and the duty to expose the truth of any ideology that may be injurious to the health and well-being of civilized society.
In conclusion, Islam is a quasi-religious, supremacist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, doctrine that violates human rights and seeks global domination by exterminating Western Civilization and imposing Islamic law (Sharia) upon the world. This will never be revealed whenever Muslim representatives speak to Jewish and Christian congregations during 'Interfaith Dialogue' and 'Building Bridges' events. That's because Islam's Doctrine of Deception, known as taqiyya, permits lying to Jews and Christians in order to neutralize and gain dominance over them.
Is this the Truth that Muslim leaders fear will be spread throughout the world as a warning to non-Muslims?
Factoid: Merriam-Webster dictionary defines phobia as "an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation."
"We cannot let accusations of Islamophobia silence us when we confront and defend ourselves against the radical ideologies that exist in some Muslim communities and are now growing in America: ideologies that undermine our values and seek to destroy our way of life."
Mike Ramirez is a former broadcast journalist, news director and station manager. He has worked with ABC, NBC, Spanish International Network, and Telemundo affiliates and has also been a religion analyst in Christian Apologetics since the mid 1970s. The events of 9/11 led Mike to become involved in national security efforts to warn and inform America's faithful that Islam is not a "sister-religion" to Judeo-Christianity, as widely believed, and that Interfaith Dialogue and Building Bridges events have opened the door to allow deception in churches and synagogues throughout the nation. Questions? Comments? [email protected]